
Thursday, November 03, 2005


Had Jesus waited for me to become trustworthy in order to forgive me, I'd be in a world of hurt.

So why do people make the offending person's trustworthiness a requirement for forgiveness?

Compassion generated forgiveness is more likely to happen and more genuine than trust dependent forgiveness.

"No fair?" Well, fairness is luxury mostly innaccessible to humans. Waiting for it is much more like procrastination than virtue.


Donna G said...

I think forgiveness and trust have to be separate issues. If I wait till I trust you to forgive you it won't happen. And just because I can forgive you do not assume that I trust you.

I think that is just wisdom.

Karen said...

Couldn't have said it much better, Donna. Besides, the forgiving is as much for me as it is for the untrustworthy person, anyhow.

Steve said...

Good comments all the way around.

Heather said...

HUGE Amen!

heather said...

HUGE Amen!